Kyrgyzstan - Turkey Manas University

Kyrgyzstan - Turkey Manas University

It was founded in Bishkek with an agreement signed by Republic of Turkey and Republic of Kyrgyzstan in 1995 and education activities started in 1997-1998. As of today, it has 9 faculties, 4 graduate schools, 1 vocational school; 3809 undergraduate and associate degree students from all of Turkic World and 196 Masters and PhD student in its 2 institutes. It is within the body of Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and a private university at the same status of universities in Turkey. The education is free and poor students have been offered several scholarships at Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University. Cheap lunches and dormitories are available for students. The education language is Turkish and Kyrgyz. English and Russian are also taught.