Murteza SULUCOOCA | Owner and Executive Editor of Yeni Balkan Newspaper

He was born in Resne, Macedonia in 1976. He went to “Isa Bey” High School in Skopje and Wrote in “İkre” magazine. He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Divinity in 2000. He did his masters degree in History of Religion at Ankara University Social Sciences Institute. He had formed many magazines such as “Balkan Letter” in Ankara, “Red Apple” in Resne and “Garden” in Skopje. He had worked at the Office of Mufti in Resne for some time. He founded New Balkan Newspaper which was the only voice of Macedonian Turks at that time. He had worked as a journalist of Anatolian Agency in Macedonia. In 2008, he received İLESAM (Professional Organization and Federation of Authors of Intellectual and Artistic Works) Encouragement Award. He was the second term president of Macedonian Journalist Association. He is still Macedonian committee of chairman of Media Platform of Turkish Speaking Countries and Communities. He is married with two children.